what is Clear fix in CSS

what is Clear fix in CSS

A clear fix is a CSS technique used to fix the issue of container elements not expanding to the full width of their child elements. This can happen when the child elements are floated.

To apply a clear fix, you can add the following CSS to the container element:

.container::after {
    content: "";
    display: table;
    clear: both;

This creates a pseudo-element after the container's content, and sets its display property to table and clear property to both. This effectively clears the floats and allows the container to expand to the full width of its child elements.

Clear fix is commonly used in creating responsive layouts, where floated elements are used to create a multi-column design.

Clear Fix

A clear fix is a CSS technique used to fix the issue of container elements not expanding to the full width of their child elements. This can happen when the child elements are floated.

To apply a clear fix, you can add the following CSS to the container element:

.container::after {
    content: "";
    display: table;
    clear: both;

This creates a pseudo-element after the container's content, and sets its display property to table and clear property to both. This effectively clears the floats and allows the container to expand to the full width of its child elements.

Clear fix is commonly used in creating responsive layouts, where floated elements are used to create a multi-column design.